Resource Packs and definitions

Resource Packs are packaged resource definitions for providers. Resource definitions let you set conventions for resources by context and resource type. Share them across your organization for self-service and drive standardization.

Standardize your resource management

one-off 👉 reuse

In today’s pipeline based approach you manage individual IaC files for every resource. This leads to an unmaintainable mess and drives cost, change failure rate and security incidences.
Resource Packs and definitions are declarative, code-based conventions that allows infrastructure teams to describe how all resources of a certain type should be configured depending on their context (per environment type for instance).

... or integrate existing IaC

The resource management approach is designed in a way it incorporates all the Infrastructure as Code you have in place today. This allows for easy integration.

How it works

What’s a Resource Pack?

A Resource Pack is a combination of one or many resource definitions. Resource definitions tell the backend of a platform (the Platform Orchestrator) how to create/update a resource in a particular context. The “context” could for instance be the environment type.

Resource Pack + Orchestrator

Enforce standardization

Postgres DBs used in an environment of type staging should be configured the same. Using resource packs in combination with the Platform Orchestrator enforces this. If the definition changes, all databases managed by this definition get updated.